Start-Ups: How to Stand Out and Attract the Best Developers
So, you’ve just launched a startup. Chances are you have a great idea, you’re passionate, and you can’t wait to get the ball rolling by hiring into your team. Then, you’ll be ready to take the world by storm!
5 Hacks for Better Communication Between Teams
Engineering and Product teams are sometimes known to experience friction between colliding goals: Creating value and building something reliable. Of course, the two only succeed when married together.
Lead with Empathy
Emotional intelligence is a skill you can enhance with experience in the workplace, as well as in our wider lives. This ability can be honed through acting as a teacher to give training, through the experience of parenthood, and through leadership, whether in the workplace, in a sporting endeavour or in any other context where we take on the responsibility to give guidance.
Navigating the Ups and Downs of Market Volatility
Market volatility goes hand in hand with investing, but it can unnerve even the most seasoned investors. In the UK - where financial markets are influenced by global economic trends and local ones - managing investments among market fluctuations requires strategic planning and resilience.
4 Steps for Leaders to Mitigate Burnout
Leaders and business owners have a responsibility for their employees, one of them is ensuring that burnout can be mitigated at the root cause (or stopped completely before it’s too late).
AI's Role in Your Pathway to Leadership
AI and automation are forces reshaping the destiny of just about everything. As the digital ink of this new reality settles across our newsfeeds, there is one question we’ve been dwelling on: How is AI altering our career progression?
How Is Blockchain Going To Revolutionise Your Organisation?
Blockchain solutions have commonly been associated with the world of Crypto, however, organisations outside of Cryptocurrency are now benefitting from Blockchain. By definition, Blockchain works to increase trust, transparency, security, and traceability of data.